Francis Poulenc
Rapsodie nègre
Purportedly Liberian texts by “Makoko Kangourou” from
Les Poésies de Makoko Kangourou,
edited by Marcel Prouille and Charles Moulié (pseudonyms of the author Marcel Ormoy)
Bracketed information was printed as pseudo–scholastic footnotes in the original publication.
Honoloulou [written by Makoko Kangourou in his mother tongue]
Honoloulou, pota lama! [Honoloulou is the name of Kangourou’s girlfriend]
Honoloulou, Honoloulou,
Kati moko, mosi bolou
Ratakou sira, polama!
Watakousi motimasou,
Etchepango etchepanga,
Kaka nounou, nounouranga,
Lolo, luluma, tamasou.
Pata tabo, ananalou,
Mandès, Golas, Glêbes i Krous. [names of Liberian tribes]
Bananalou ityo Kouskous,
Pota lama, Honoloulou!
(the text is completely meaningless)